NCPI in lovely Corning, California provides Pecan hulling and drying, and Inshell Pecan processing including sizing, bagging, domestic and international marketing and shipping too.We produce six unique pecan varieties at Norcal Pecans: Pawnee, Wichita, Shoshoni, Western Schley, Cheyene, and Kanza.

Pecans are one of the most recently domesticated major crops. Wild pecans were well known among native and colonial Americans as a delicacy, but the commercial growing of pecans in the United States did not begin until the 1880s. If you have ever tried our pecans, the difference is immediately noticeable. Our nuts are large, soft, and not only pecan nutty good, they're sweeter than most, providing the very best flavors that pecans can provide to our customers restaurants, retail stores, and home-cooked meals and holiday treats such as praline candy and pecan pie.

The pecan (Carya illinoinensis) is a species of hickory native to the southern United States and northern Mexico. Pecan trees are cultivated for inshell pecans in the southern United States, primarily in Arizona, Georgia, California, New Mexico, Texas, and in Mexico, which produces nearly half of the world total. The pecan, in various aspects, is included in state symbols of Alabama, Arkansas, California, Oklahoma, and Texas. Now there are many new commercial varieties, we like to grow Wichita and Pawnee pecans especially.

As of 2019, the United States produced an annual crop of 242 million pounds, with most of the total crop produced in Arizona, Georgia, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. California currently is one of the smallest producers of pecans, but our high quality and yields per acre are second to none. Our pecan nut harvest is typically in mid-October here in northern California. Outside the US, Mexico produces nearly half of the world total, similar in volume to the United States, together accounting for 93% of global production. Check out our store, and pick up some for yourself!